
Knee Pain

The REAL Reason Your Knee Pain Isnt’ Going Away


Do you have Stubborn pain at the bottom of the knee cap that won’t go away? You’ve foam rolled out your quads. You’ve stretched your hip flexors. Or you’ve smashed out some Glute activation drills only for your dreaded knee pain to linger. It’s time to fix your knee pain for good. It’s time to look below your knee.

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Anatomy Of Knee Pain:

The Infrapatellar tendon is a tendon that connects your knee cap (patella) to the shin bone (tibia). Infra is Latin for below, and the patella is Latin for small plate or dish (knee-cap). The knee cap is the most prominent sesamoid bone in the body. A sesamoid bone is a bone that develops in a tendon where it passes over an angular structure. Your quadriceps muscle group controls your patella, a group of muscles made of the Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Intermedialus, Vastus Medialis and the newly found Tensor Vastus Intermedius. But an often forgotten muscle that can affect your Infrapatellar tendon is your Tibialis Anterior. When it gets tight, it can compress the tiny nerves and arteries that supply your knee. When these structures have pressure placed on them, they react by sending pain signals to your brain. 

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The Tibialis Anterior controls inversion and eversion of the foot, which can often be a source of knee pain in Brookvale

Let’s Get Functional:

The Tibialis Anterior originates from the lateral (outside) condyles and proximal lateral shaft of the tibia (shin bone) and attaches to the base of the big toe. This origin is right next to the insertion of the Infrapatellar tendon. The Tibialis anterior is responsible for ankle dorsiflexion and foot inversion (rolling foot in). When you have flat feet or have increased foot pronation, the Tibialis has to work harder than it needs to. This increased work can lead to inflammation of the tendon that sits next to your infrapatellar tendon. Or even compression of the nerves/arteries of the knee and anterior shin.



How to Fix Knee Pain:

So, releasing the Tibialis Anterior can help alleviate the pain at the bottom of your knee cap. Release it by foam rolling it using the video below. Once you have released the muscle, you can go back to strengthening the glutes and retrain your gait and work on your squat pattern to ensure it doesn’t come back again in the future.

Do you love the foam roller releases? Then you need to check out the rest of our myofascial releases at Mobility School. Or If you’re live in Brookvale or around ManlyVale, book in to get your pain checked out.

Need Some Extra Help With Your Knee Pain? Click Below Or Give Us A Call:

Check out our Online 12 week back pain to back training program. (Click Here)