Need to start feeling better, asap?

You don’t have to give up doing what you love. Let’s figure out why you’re in pain, get you back to that pre-injury feeling, and work on getting the most out of your amazing body.

chiropractic cost and Chiropractic Treatment in Brookvale at The Functional Movement Club Pain understading what makes you hurt

Are these guys getting on your nerves?


Back Pain

Sore knees


Pinched Nerve

Tight Muscles

Hip Pain


Joint Pain

Your body will feel great.

Woman having a chiropractor consult in Brookvale at The Functional Movement Club

This is how we do it.

Bridging the gap between rehab and performance is what we do best.

First consult chat: 1 hour, or more if we need it.
Ongoing sessions: 45 minutes

Soft tissue work, adjustments, and exercise rehab.


Let’s kick things off by figuring out what’s going wrong.
What triggers make it worse – what’s the underlying cause?
Mobilize, stretch out, and activate (for those long-term gains).


Next up we hit you with movement drills. Use your newfound awareness to learn right from wrong. We work together to spread the workload evenly across your body – you’ll know what you’re meant to be feeling and how you’re meant to be moving.


The education drop – what you need to be mindful of to stop it coming back. You get a personalised rehab program to keep you moving towards your fitness goals.

Ooo. That feels good.

You’re now back in complete control. In fact, you’re better off than before. You know your triggers, and how to stop it from happening again. You have personal feedback on how to start and finish your workout so the pain doesn’t happen again.

Your body is dance ready. Jump ready. Surf ready.

Feeling good?

Smiling woman being treated by a chiropractor in brookvale, sydney

Tools of the trade

We kick things off with some soft tissue work (massage, dry needling, cupping) and love a good crack – if you need it.

Measurement and awareness
We’ll always conduct range of motion or strength tests, both pre and post-treatment – we want to make sure what we’re doing is working.

Chiropractic adjustments
If you need it, and want it. If not, that’s cool.

Soft tissue muscle releases
Dry needling, cupping, active release techniques, instrument assisted soft tissue massage.

Exercise rehabilitation
This is where the magic happens.

We want you to be conscious of what’s going on, know how to self-correct, and figure out early warning signs so you can always keep on top of things. We’ll go through everything with you to make sure you get it 100% right – then you’re in complete control.

Your body is yours.
The options are limitless.

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Movement transformations.

“I went in with a bad back injury… now I have the confidence and ability to listen to my body, and use the exercises to self-correct before it goes bad again. I still continue to see Glenn though, as he continually helps with my technique to use at the gym to ensure I continue to strengthen my body and avoid further injury.”


Movement transformations.

“If you're in pain or want to move better, GO SEE GLENN! Endless knowledge. You won’t regret it.”


Movement transformations.

“I was recommended by at least 6 people at the gym I go to. Glowing endorsements by older beat up athletes like myself. So I finally decided to see Glenn about my troublesome shoulders which were getting worse. 2 consultations in and I'm already moving considerably better. I've been very impressed with his knowledge and approach. He's most definitely not your typical chiropractor. He has many more strings to his bow.”


Movement transformations.

After seeing Glenn, I’ve been able to work on my body holistically (adjustments, physio work, and exercises) rather than just the adjustment. It’s made a big difference to my body. Thank you!


Have confidence.
Your body can handle whatever
you want it to do.


Chat to the
movement mentors.

Don’t be a stranger. Give us a shout if you have any questions about our team, practice, or your sport and fitness chiropractic needs.

Suite 211/658 Pittwater rd,
Brookvale, NSW, 2100