Unlock your potential and live a connected and fulfilled life.

The better you pathway is our premium offering for those looking to unlock their potential. It is so much more than personal training (on the northern beaches) even though your training is completely personalised to your needs.

Feel educated and empowered to make informed lifestyle choices.

Chiropractor in Brookvale for Better Ankle Mobility with female patient - The Functional Movement Club personal training northern beaches sore achilles tendon

Better Mobility,
better life.

We know that sounds a little cheesy but it’s true – when you loosen up, gain flexibility and relax those tight spots, you’ll feel great. Your body and mind are connected. Let’s help them work together with personal training (northern beaches)

We’re your health concierge.

Feel good from head
to toe.

  • 1:1 Personal Training session

Personalised training session where your warm-up exercises are designed by your physical therapist and our expert exercise physiologist will take you through a personalised training program specific to your individual needs and goals

  • Monthly Chiropractic

Don’t just get injuries check up, get ontop of them before they slow you down. These sessions help to not only keep you on top of any niggles they help unlock your potential.

  • Personalised warm-up

During your Monthly chiro session, we will go through a full movement assessment and see what needs to be worked on from a mobility standpoint and make sure they are done (correctly) during your personal training session.

  • Personalised program

Our Exercise physiologist will help you make steady progress towards your goals whilst considering your circumstances to ensure quick and smooth progress.

  • Recovery Strategies

Education on on our 4 pillars of health: Stress mitigation, exercise, nutrition, supplementation (Nutritional and wearable tech).

  • Accountability

Having a personalized program helps you feel supported the whole way through to your goal and makes sure you are hitting them as quickly as possible ad unlocking your potential.


Your body is limitless.

Your body doesn’t dictate what you can and can’t do – YOU do. Want to hit up the beach, try a new Crossfit class, start a new sport, or pick up your old favourite again?

This is the program for you.

Wake up feeling amazing. Keep using your body, smashing out your fitness goals, no matter your age.
Feel confident knowing your body’s got your back.

The FMCs 4 Pillars of Health

  • Stress mitigation

  • Exercise

  • Nutrition

  • Supplementation

The Functional Movement Club Logo


I have a lower back injury that has restricted my movements and caused varying amounts of pain over 10 years. When I use these routines my back feels great and I can work and train pain free. Thanks Glenn for all your help!

Craig McCarthy

Meet Glenn

Hey guys! I’m Glenn. These exercises have helped thousands of people in clinic – I’m stoked to pass the feeling of body freedom onto you with this online program.

I’m sport mad – you name it, I’ve played it (even hitting up Aussie Rules for the state!). As the story goes, my love of sport saw me end up in a fair few physiotherapists, chiropractors, and doctors surgeries.

Fast forward a few years, I’m still sport mad, this time as a primary healthcare practitioner myself. I’m fascinated with how the body can move, function, and repair itself. I can still smash out my fitness goals (handstands for the first time at 34!), and I want you to as well, whatever that looks like for you.

This program targets all the major tight spots in the body – so you can take full control and get back to doing the things you love.

Dr. Glenn Stevens, DC.
Founder – The Functional Movement Club

Ready to feel great?

Chiropractor in Brookvale with female client - The Functional Movement Club

Got Questions?

Find the answer here.

How do I start The Better Your Pathway?

We’ve made it easy for you.

To see if your suitable for The Better Your Pathway:

1. Hit the book now.
2. Book in for an initial consult with our senior chiropractor Glenn.
3. Mention The Better You Pathway in your booking note.
4. Rock up to your appointment.
5. Start feeling seeing results and feeling better.

Is the a minimum sign up time?

Nope! There is no minimum sign up period. Although we do recommend giving it a 3 month trial to make sure you see the full results of training with us.

Can I place my membership on hold?

You can cancel anytime if it’s not working out (please just give use 2 weeks notice). You can also place on hold (2x 2 week or 1x 4 week period/per calender year) if you go on a holiday. You can also make up the extra classes before or afterwards.

Can I Claim this back on my private health insurance?

Email receipts will be emailed following your chiro and exercise physiology training sessions so that you can claim back on your health fund.

It’s time to make a change


Our Guarantee

We get to know you

Set a goal

Make a plan

Follow up


Medical Disclaimer: The mobility exercises in this program are generalised advice to improve range of motion and decrease muscle tightness. If you experience any tingling, pins and needles, loss of muscle control, or muscle weakness, consult with a qualified medical practitioner before beginning the exercises.

Have confidence.
Your body can handle whatever
you want it to do.


Chat to the
movement mentors.

Don’t be a stranger. Give us a shout if you have any questions about our team, practice, or your sport and fitness chiropractic needs.

Suite 211/658 Pittwater rd,
Brookvale, NSW, 2100