
Why Is Ankle Mobility So Important? Your ankle is a major source of sensory information that your brain uses to plan and produce movement. In a study of elite athletes, they found that all athletes had an increased sensory awareness compared to non-athletes. Throwing athletes were more aware of the hand and upper body. Running and kicking athletes were more aware of their lower

Surf Pain-Free For Longer. As a surfer myself I know how frustrating it can be to have an injury keeping you out of the water. So, I thought I’d fill you guys in on the kind of injuries surfers can typically experience and share a few tips and exercises to improve your technique and prevent surfing injuries.  Why You Get Sore Surfing. There are two

Arthritis Is A Naturally Occurring Phenomenon. Arthritis is a naturally occurring phenomenon. When your muscles are no longer strong enough to support the joints, your body starts laying down extra bony growth, This extra bony growth is what we refer to as arthritis. To stop arthritis from occurring you simply have to first move well then move often. PSST . . . Heres a

Why A Functional Movement Pyramid? When it comes to functional movement (and everything in life really) If you don’t have a system in place you’re really just guessing. The major components of any movement or exercises are flexibility, mobility, strength/Symmetry, adequate work to recovery ratios, and finally the skill capacity. To be able to execute a movement or workout you need all of

Sciatic Nerve Pain, Probably Not. Sciatic nerve pain is a commonly over diagnosed and poorly treated condition of the back (and leg). Getting the right diagnosis and treatment is key for any type of back pain, whether it’s sciatica or not. Typically, you’ll find that you’ll get some relief initially. But the pain never goes away and can pop up again usually at