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Tennis Elbow Causes Do you get pain on the outside of your elbow? Are your elbows sore after deadlifts or kettlebell Swings? How do you go opening up jars at home or turning door handles? You may be struggling with a case of Tennis elbow otherwise known as Lateral epicondylitis. The first thing you want to do is release tension from the muscles,

Squat Mobility vs Squat Stability Is your squat feeling funky? Fix your squat by either working on your mobility or stability. If you're not sure whether it's a mobility or a stability issue read on. This is the first blog article in a series of 4 to help you fix your squat. It will help you diagnose what is the main limiting factor

Take Back Control Of Your Body. Lower back pain is the leading cause of pain and disability around the world. A whopping 9/10 people experiencing back pain in their life. You would think we should know a little more about why it happens and how to get rid of it? The problem lays in the complexity of the human body. You are driving

Intro: Foam roller exercises have become such a staple in almost every gym and home of any physically active person. But don't let them sit around collecting dust. They are typically used for myo-fascial release, before or after a workout. Foam rolling is a simple way of releasing off any tight muscles and empowers you to keep on top of any aches of

Intro: What if I told you there was a magical cure for ALL lower back pain issues? Let me introduce to you the Jefferson Curl. Sequential spinal flexion with and emphasis on moving each single spinal segment individually until the hands are below foot level. Roll down one vertebrae at a time like a string of pearls. Progress load slowly. Some have suggested every 12

Tight Hip Flexors and Back Pain Tight hip flexors can seem like they are holding you back in your lifts, but not the way you think. We all have “tight” hip flexors in this day and age. Partly because you spend all day sitting at a desk. Partly because you think a good core work out revolves around ab crunches, reverse crunches or

Do You Have Middle Back Pain, A Stiff Neck Or Tight Lower Back? Have you been struggling with middle back pain or tightness? Maybe you get a really stiff neck and blame sleeping on it the wrong way. Odds are your mid-back isn't moving as much or as well as it should.  The middle of your back (the area between your neck and

Why Does My Lower Back Hurt? Do you ever wonder why your lower back hurts or get tight all the time? Why do we develop arthritis, or, why do your knees crack more and more as you get older? It is because when given the choice humans and nature, in general, choose the path of least resistance. Think of a stream of water running

The Correct warm-up can help us run further, jump higher, and swim for longer. A warm-up is an integral part of any physical activity. It helps to prepare the nervous system for physical activity, increases blood flow to muscles, reduces the risk of injury and helps loosen up the body. It can even improve performance when done correctly. Dynamic vs Static Growing up I